Self Storage2024-03-15T12:53:29+00:00

Self Storage at Parrett Works

  • Offers you the very best conditions for your furniture and home contents, whilst leaving you in control of your possessions at all times.
  • Your home contents will remain clean, dry, safe and secure.
  • You will have the option of bringing in the goods yourself in a hired van, using a professional remover, or just bringing in car loads at a time.
  • You can even mix and match: have a remover bring them in, and take them out yourself by van and car – whichever combination suits you best.

What’s Special about Parrett Storage?

  • Offers you the very best conditions for your furniture and home contents, whilst leaving you in control of your possessions at all times.
  • Your home contents will remain clean, dry, safe and secure.
  • You will have the option of bringing in the goods yourself in a hired van, using a professional remover, or just bringing in car loads at a time.
  • You can even mix and match: have a remover bring them in, and take them out yourself by van and car – whichever combination suits you best.

Rent for only 14 Days, or as long as you like

You can have as much or as little space as you need.
Choose from different self access storage unit sizes, to ensure you’ll only ever pay for as much space as you need.

Some reasons for customers requiring Self Storage

Your Estate Agent will advise you to present your house for sale. A de-cluttered home will often sell for thousands of pounds more.

You move to a new house with intentions to re-decorate, lay carpets, sand floors, fit a kitchen. Rather than move boxes and furniture from room to room as you work, drop off non-essentials on moving day into a Storage Unit at Parrett Storage.

All building and decorating is dusty and hazardous. Your home contents are best protected by being moved to a safe, secure Storage Unit – rent one from just 14 days, or for as long as you need.

Perhaps there’s a broken link in your moving chain, or you get an offer you can’t refuse before you have a house to move to. Now you can control the situation by storing your goods in your own secure Storage Unit until you’re ready to move in to your new home. You can access your goods whenever you want.

If you need more space in the home, but don’t want to move, store excess furniture or seasonal / rarely used items in a low cost Self Storage Unit. You’ll gain an extra bedroom, guest room, office, room to let out, without having to throw away your possessions.

Dealing with a relatives estate can be a very distressing time. It is often helped by removing the home contents to a secure Storage Unit, whilst dealing with family arrangements, or splitting the contents between beneficiaries

You may need less space to live, or want the financial benefit of a smaller home. Self Storage provides a very low cost means to securely retain some of the possessions you’ve built up over the years.

A stressful time, we can remove the worries about your possessions. Low cost rental of a Self Storage unit leaves you time to sort out your personal arrangements.

You can build up a fair few possessions during your course, and there may not be room at home, or transporting them is difficult or expensive. From just a few pounds per week they can be stored in a safe, secure environment.

Too often garages become filled with excess furniture or seasonal / sports equipment. An inexpensive Storage Unit with access 6 days a week can now provide a home for your car, or some extra living space.

Many reps, small businesses, start-ups have a need for storing stock or samples. They’ll be ruined in a garage, but for a low cost they can be safely and securely stored in a Self Storage Unit, with access available 6 days a week.

One of the biggest downsides of working from home stems from having an unorganised and cluttered home office. It can help you de-clutter your home office and therefore improve your productivity.

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