Mailboxes provide a creditable mailing address and provide secure customer access to the mail and postal deliveries.

Running a business from the comfort of your home.

For many, working from home is a relatively new concept, business owners enjoy the flexibility of being able to walk the dog or do the school run in between answering emails or fulfilling orders. But what about a postal address?

Even though the world has become increasingly digital, with more and more communication happening online, most businesses still need a postal address. If sharing your home address with your business makes you uncomfortable and you’d prefer a little more privacy, our mailbox rental is perfect.

Instead of putting your home address on your business website, stationery and packaging you can use the address of your mailbox. Correspondence will arrive at Parrett Works and we’ll place it safely into your secure mailbox and you can come and collect it when you need to. (there’s no need to call ahead).

About Mailbox Rental

Mailbox Rental

Renting a mailbox

Mailbox rental

Even if you’ve never used mailbox rental before, getting started is simple.

There’s no long-term commitment so you can rent your mailbox for just as long as your business needs it.

Mailbox rental is perfect for home businesses
(Or anyone who needs it)
Keep your home address private
Collect your mail when you need to
Ideal for letters and parcels
  • Parcels & Packages Signed For
  • Easy Access
  • Customer Portal